


“What have we been studying in kindergarten this spring?” Heather asked her students. “Things that hatch!” They sang. “And how have we been doing that?” Heather asked. A jumble of ideas poured out of them at once, and fingers were pointing to different corners of the room, where a bunch of creatures were in the process of hatching: “Today, we’re going to take the next step in our learning. We’re going to become researchers.…

Last week, Lou Cercone introduced me to his 9th grade English students at Lockport High School, and we spent two short days beginning to define what quality idea development looks like together. Writing instruction is a district-wide learning focus, and Lou was interested in observing a lesson that was reflective of what we’ve been learning for the last several years. He asked that I position myself as the leader of this coaching experience. This is…

I got to spend this afternoon writing with fourth and fifth graders from the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School in Florida, thanks to Andrea Hernandez, Silvia Tolisano, and the wonder that is Skype. Here’s the teaser for the day’s session, which Andrea and Silvia shared with writers ahead of time. Our session was devoted to establishing a wide collection of potential ideas and purposes for new pieces. Here are the slides that supported some of…